Educator Resources Educator Resources (Public) Resources for high school staff, teachers, counselors, principals to connect STEM and CTE education, career exploration & workforce development with auto/diesel technology. Select All Add to Cart Download Marketing Resources Video to show students Video to share with instructors_counselors PowerPoint Slide with Student Video Embedded PowerPoint Slide with Faculty Video Embedded PowerPoint Slide School Flyer_Half Page_BlackWhite School Flyer_Half Page_Color School Flyer_FullPage_Color QR Code to text to folks 18"x24" Classroom Poster TechForce Scholarships Scholarship Poster (8.5 x 11) Scholarship Poster (11 x 17) Making the Case for High School Tech Programs How STEM applies to skilled trades Making the Case for Technician Careers Compensation of a Professional Technician Oversupply of Underemployed College Graduates Lifestyle of a Professional Technician ASE Accreditation & Tech Certification High school facility inspection checklist Mentoring & Apprenticeships Understanding and adapting to different learning styles Creating a Business and Education Council Sample Agenda for High School Advisory Cmt Establishing an effective CTE Committee STEAM and Motorsports STEAM and Motorsports Curriculum STEAM and Motorsports Worksheets STEAM and Motorsports Curriculum General Sheets Mentoring Training Workplace mentoring training